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Sir, can I see some ID?

The weirdest thing happened to me today. (yes, even amidst the near-monotony of Easter term!)

Fresh from a grueling Sunday morning workout at the Physical Ed. Department at Fenner’s, I was went to the local ‘supermart’, Sainsbury’s to get shop for groceries and buy my lunch (my college dining hall is unfortunately closed on Sunday lunchtimes). At the checkout, I was minding my own business while the cashier scanned the bar-codes of the items I bought and placed them in the plastic bag.

And then….

‘Sir, can I see some ID?’

I thought I heard wrongly. ‘I’m sorry, could you please come again?’

‘an ID, sir. You need an ID to buy this.’

Now, on a normal day, you would most likely encounter this phrase if you were trying to buy alcoholic beverages from the supermart. But, for those who know me, I abstain from alcohol.

Was I trying to surreptitiously buy some booze to relieve exam-induced stress?

Of course NOT! You didn’t think I’d go against my own principles, did you?

‘I think you’re mistaken. I’m not buying any alcohol…’

Holding the can of ‘Blue Bolt’, the cashier nonchalantly told me ‘You need an ID to buy this drink. It’s only for sale to those above 18’.

For those of you who don’t know, Blue Bolt is a type of energy drink, something akin to Red Bull (only cheaper, because it’s an in-store brand).

Now, this was not the first time I was buying such a drink. And NEVER in my wildest imagination have I thought that I would need an ID to prove I’m above 18, just so that I can buy ……..a can of Blue Bolt!

‘What? I didn’t know you need to be above 18 to buy that drink. There’s no alcohol in it!’

‘Well, rules are rules. You need an ID’

Fumbling my wallet for some form of ID, I tried to find something that showed my date of birth, but to no avail.
‘Do you have a driver’s license?’


‘A passport?’

‘Nope. (who the heck brings a passport while shopping for groceries anyway? :D) Uhm.. do you accept my university student card? It has my date-of-birth’ written on it’

‘Sorry sir, only a valid driver’s license or a passport. Anything else won’t do. If you don’t have any ID to prove you’re over 18, I’m sorry but I can’t sell you this drink.’

Just then, in an ending befitting deux ex machina , another cashier turned back and told the Mr-I-Want-an-ID-for-this-can-of-BlueBolt that anyone above 16, not 18, can buy that drink. And since in the UK, all university students are above 16, I was free to buy it without needing to show any proof of my date of birth.

Mr-I-Want-an-ID-for-this-can-of-BlueBolt then grinned sheepishly at me, and proceeded to scan the BlueBolt.

After completing my payment, I walked out of the store feeling bewildered. Never can I imagine the UK government prohibiting under-16s from buying or consuming an energy drink. (maybe those kids are hyperactive enough and don’t need any BlueBolt or Red Bull anyway).

As I stepped out of the store, I looked at the can of Blue Bolt.

‘High Voltage Stimulation Drink’

‘Contains Taurine’

‘High in Caffeine content. 30 mg/100 ml’.

Then I knew why. 🙂


  1. alvin

    May 2, 2007 @ 5:49 pm


    Kids taking too much caffeine probably results in ASBOs, that why 😛

  2. shenhanlee

    May 3, 2007 @ 1:05 pm


    it is me, or are the kids getting more punk-ish these days?

  3. ayjk

    May 4, 2007 @ 3:02 am


    Lol. Hilarious. Well if we have Asboys as young as 10, it would be wise to keep caffeine out of their hands!

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