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Updates on my life, just to keep this blog alive…

We’re now at the end of spring, and heralding the start of summer very soon. The weather  in Cambridge is nice (when it is sunny), but it can be cold and gloomy sometimes. But that’s a fantastic change from what it used to be before this. Oh yeah, and the day light is longer too – sunrise at about 5 am-ish, and sunset only around 8 pm. And it only gets longer…..

I’ve *finally* finished the dissertation for my research project and will be handing in the final draft later this evening. It sure feels great to have a heavy burden lifted off your back. Looking back, doing this dissertation was quite interesting and I am glad I managed to complete what I started off writing. Now, I’m just hoping that the department will approve my piece of work…

Now, I’m looking forward to Easter term 2007. 🙂 That’s all for now.

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