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From the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin:

Warner best Democrat choice for 26th District

I concur with the Daily Bulletin’s endorsement of Russ Warner as the best Democratic choice for the 26th District.

I have had the privilege of meeting Mr. Warner and he offers the voters of the district a refreshing breath of fresh air. He offers the people of this district a person who is genuine and someone who understands the everyday problems that families face in today’s world.

It is time that we end the partisan bickering of career politicians and elect Mr. Warner so that we may have a congressman who can look to real solutions for real problems.

It is time for a change of direction in our country and it is time to work together as Americans.

Mr. Warner offers his life experience at a time when our middle class is under attack.

Our present congressman, Republican David Dreier, is a career politician who has lost touch with the people of his district and has become a rubber stamp for this administration. He has lost any independence that he may have had. He has been in office for 26 years and that is long enough. Mr. Dreier has become very skilled at saying one thing and doing another.

Mr. Warner understands on a very personal level what it is like to have had a son serve in Iraq. He tells the story of what it was like to call his son one day and hear explosions in the background.

As a parent myself I cannot imagine what Russ must have felt wondering if his son was OK. We need Mr. Warner who understands the reality of what we as Americans face each and every day, to represent we the people.

We need to retire Mr. Dreier, a politician who only understands the ins and outs of Washington.

– GAR BYRUM, Claremont

1 Comment

  1. I have also been following the campaign closely as it is in my college district. I couldn’t agree with you more about Mr. Warner. He is a great choice.

    Comment by David Lee — June 5, 2006 #

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