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Cinco de Mayo Update

I am pleased to announce that I’m moving out. That’s right. I’ve landed myself a job. I start next Wednesday, and while it does not require me to relocate to Cambridge, it almost does. Come June, I’ll head back to Cambridge until sometime in August. During that time I’ll be an assistant resident building manager and concierge for several summer programs at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Minutes after I received a phone call asking whether I’d accept the position, I got another phone call from another Harvard official to warn me that I’ve made the first cut for a full-time administrative position and to expect another call to schedule the interview next week. To celebrate, I’m going to pick up some jobwear: I want pinstripes and suspenders.

In all, things are working out.

3 Comments to Cinco de Mayo Update

  1. sareyes says:

    my i am verrry proud on a new chapter in your life and i pray it is very thing u want.. and i love u and proud of the man u have become.oxoxox love u mom

  2. jreyes86 says:

    Josh, That’s some really exciting news!!! Mom was telling me hey are you aware your brother got a job? I was ah no, since well I don’t look at this daily, I’m so happy for you. So which job is this the one you live @ campus or living in JP? Regaurdless, I love you and very proud of you!!

  3. Josh says:

    Thanks for your support.
    I’m going to be living on campus; as part of the job I get room and partial board in addition to an hourly wage. I’m not sure why you think I’d ever live in Jamaica Plain—I have friends who live there. I never said I’d move there, though.

    As for mom’s comment: this isn’t really a new chapter of my life so much as a continuation of what I’ve been doing for the past five years. If anything, I’m playing it safe.

    As an aside, I bought the pinstripes but the suspenders have given me some trouble: you can read about it at my personal blog.