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Neurogenesis in the adult human brain.
One of the central dogmas of neuroscience was that the brains of adult mammals cannot generate new nerve cells. But about 10 years ago, this changed, when it was discovered that in the hippocampi of adult rodents there are stem cells which are capable of generating new neurons.[…] [Neurophilosophy]

Hematoma growth is a determinant of mortality and poor outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage [Neurology current issue]

EARLY RELEASE: Stent Thrombosis in Randomized Clinical Trials of Drug-Eluting Stents. No difference noted between bare metal and drug eluting…. .. [New England Journal of Medicine]

Cerebellar infarction after gamma knife radiosurgery of a vestibular schwannoma [Neurology current issue]

Is sight possible for kids once thought permanently blind?. from [Boston Globe — Health and Science]

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