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23 April 2005

Just liked this irenic thought

AKMA, in a sort-of-tangential comment on the matter of the “Connecticut
Six” (whom you really don’t need to know about to appreciate the
  (It also seems applicable to the situation some of
our Roman Catholic friends find themselves in this week, both
conservatives who think they’ve “won” and liberals who may despair a

It would take a lot of persuading — the kind typically associated with
biblical miracles — to convince me that justice in the church should
involve one party prevailing over the other in an unambiguous way.
Under the circumstances, though I know no one will like it and everyone
feel wounded, it looks to me as though the only way that leads closer
to God involves us all enduring for a while in uncorrected injustice,
and having faith that the God in whose grace and love we put our whole
trust will bring a church of frayed-but-bound-together affections to a
fuller understanding of what justice requires of us.

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