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Today, of course, is the fourth anniversary of those airliners flying into the World Trade Center and, subsequently, the Pentagon.   Footage exists of the former but not, really, of the latter.  We do know that those 19 young men had, at one time or another in their nefarious careers, all cashed checks from Uncle Sam.   

Boy, is his face red.   Or, are those his hands?

Today was different, too, thanks to Katrina.    Too much hoopla might remind people that it was Bush and the rest of ’em who guided their airliners into the impoverished neighborhoods of the Gulf region, and, like Mohammed Atta and his disciples, left death and horror and their wake.   At least Mr Atta had the good grace not to invite his friends to make a buck out of cleaning up his handiwork.

No matter.    9/11 is already last season’s hit.   Like J-Lo or the Sopranos or Deadwood, or any one of those numerous deadening and unedifying icons of our modern culture which strive mightily to convince us that we, as a people, aren’t really worth much, and probably deserve what the government and the corporations do to us.   Hell,  to hear some of our leaders tell it, most of us don’t even possess the merit to go on living.

The elites of disintegrating cultures are like that.   Spew, spit, hiss, and then in a panicked frenzy devour your own people.

But, today, at least, they were “post ictal”, as if their ritual orgies of fake outrage, hypocritcal posturing, and platitude-laden speech-making had left them momentarily sated.   And at peace

Who, you ask,  cares?

9/11 is already passe, out-of-date,  obsolete, so yesterday.   It never really belonged to the American people, anyway.   Very little does, nowadays.   Public is a dirty word in Freedom’s Land and Bravery’s Home, something to be scorned, belittled, excoriated, and then, indubitably impoverished and sold off.   “Our” America is one of private wealth and public squalor.   9/11 may belong to the Government, to the State and “Defense” departments, to the national media, to those whose loyalty lies above all else to the realization of the zionist project.  

But it is not the property of the American people.  

And it never will be.

The grief is real enough, I suppose, though who can tell in an age as contrived and as shabby as ours?    A million-plus to the New Yorkers who perished in the conflaguration.   Chump change to the victims of Hurrican Katrina.    “Equality” is one of those public assets sold off when we weren’t looking.   Not that we ever really had it anyway, but we liked to think we did.

Gone now.

Bush, the Pentagon and the Media were robbed this year of the propaganda extravaganza they have come to expect at summers’ end, due to New Orleans.   Katrina is the real face of Government, of the Bushes, and the Giulianis (who took a special delight in the gunning down of unarmed black men by the police) of the thousands of masked, heavily armed thugs in uniform allowing the unfit to suffer horribly and then to die.   In public.  

No, 9/11 rings especially hollow this year.   It’s starting to go the way of the Reichstag Fire, of Gulf of Tonkin, of the Indonesian “Coup”,  and Pan Am Flight 103.  

It’ll be gone for good in a few years.

And good riddance.

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