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July 22nd, 2010

RailsCamp New England is being planned for this September in Stowe, VT and I find myself really torn.  I really really want to go.  But I don’t know if I can leave my one and two year old for a whole weekend yet.

It might sound a little weird being the only girl in a cabin full of 30 guys.  Actually, the event is at the SkiAdventure Lodge, so it might not be too strange.  But it also sounds really thrilling to spend a whole weekend immersed  in ruby geekdom.  I can only image all the amazing tech goodness I would soak up.

Even if there were a way to coax my husband into bringing our kids, it kind of defeats the purpose of a weekend getaway.  Besides, as progressive as these Boston rubyists are, I don’t know that they’ll appreciate my newly mobile children running around.  Chances are they may be escaping their own kids for the weekend.

And that’s just it.  How many of these guys can just leave their babes at home with their wives, while I worry about childcare?  Sure I have an amazing, understanding, fabulous husband… but even he would find a whole weekend alone with two toddlers quite daunting.

*Sigh*  Maybe next time.

Entry Filed under: Personal,Professional,Ruby on Rails

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Sean Hussey  |  July 22nd, 2010 at 11:38 am

    Daunting? Sure. But have you done it on your own?

    Speaking as a dad with 2 kids (3.5 years, 3 months), I know daunting. I haven’t had them both for a weekend by myself yet (it’ll be a while, most likely), but with a little prep, you can both do this.

    Don’t get me wrong–I’ll be terrified when it’s my time to handle both for more than a few hours. :) But if it means that much to you and your career, I think it’s worth giving it a shot.

  • 2. lianaleahy  |  July 22nd, 2010 at 3:26 pm

    Thanks Sean. Railscamp doesn’t really mean that much to my career in and of itself. It’s just that I miss these things much too often. *sigh*

    A friend suggested that I try to make it just for the day. I might give that a go.

  • 3. Beth  |  July 23rd, 2010 at 11:22 am

    If your husband would find it daunting, have you considered finding a parent’s helper for the weekend? Back when I made all my money caring for other people’s children, it was a way for parents not used to child care or somewhat overwhelmed to get support. It’s usually cheaper than a full-on babysitter, too, and could be a way to ease into solo responsibily.

    If you don’t want to leave them, that’s something different. But there are ways to get social support.

  • 4. lianaleahy  |  July 23rd, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    That is an excellent idea, Beth. If we can cough up the cash. I’ve paid sitters and helpers in the past to get to special tech events. It adds up by the end of the month. At the same time, you could say that I should put my money where my mouth is. If events like these are important enough, I should be willing to find a way to add babysitting to my monthly budget.

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