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US Congressional Delegation Visits Gujarat

January 11, 2004 | Comments Off on US Congressional Delegation Visits Gujarat

On Friday, a US Congressional delegation visited some of the sites of major carnage during the Gujarat pogroms against Muslims in early 2002:

The four-member US delegation — led by Joseph Pitts, vice-chairman of the Congress sub-committee on terrorism, rights and non-proliferation — also visited the massacre site in the Gulbarg Society where former MP Ehsan Jaffrey was killed.

Addressing mediapersons after interacting with riot victims, Pitts said back home they would report on the anti-conversion laws, status of Dalits and the anti-minority violence. Their report would serve as background papers for American foreign policy.

The visitors highlighted the impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of the Gujarat carnage, but failed to connect the ruling political party to the violence.


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