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Distortions by Times of India

January 10, 2004 | Comments Off on Distortions by Times of India

The Times of India has given a curious title to their article on the formation of the Association of Families of the Disappeared in Punjab: Terrorist Victim Families Seek Justice.  Who is the terrorist here?  Are they referring to state terrorism, meaning the families are victims of state terrorism? Or are they saying that the families were terrorists, yet also victims?  The article doesn’t clarify these questions, and in fact makes no mention of terrorism at all.

These families are advocating on behalf of their family members, who were forcibly disappeared or extrajudicially executed by the Punjab Police, in contravention of international human rights law and Indian laws.  This is separate from the issue of terrorism.  This is another example of the issue of human rights in Punjab being misrepresented by elite Indian media.


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