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Gujarat Charge Sheets

January 8, 2004 | Comments Off on Gujarat Charge Sheets

Bilkis Yakub Rasool told the Gujarat police that, during the Gujarat pogroms of 2002, she and her three-sisters were gang-raped, and over 13 family members—including her daughter, two sisters, mother, and two brothers—were murdered.  Despite a forensic report that confirmed rape, the Gujarat police closed her case.  Bilkis appealed to the Supreme Court who directed the Central Bureau of Investigation to re-investigate the case and the Gujarat police to “keep off” her.  The CBI has just charged people with the crimes:

Registering its first case pertaining to the post-Godhra riots in Gujarat following a Supreme Court directive, the CBI has booked three persons and some other unknown people for allegedly gangraping the sisters of Bilkis Yakub Rasool and murdering her relatives. Cases have been registered against Jaswant Nai, Govind Nai and Naresh Moriya under several sections of the IPC for murder, rape and rioting on the complaint of Bilkis.


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