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Threats Issued to Kashmir Peace Panel Organizers

January 6, 2004 | Comments Off on Threats Issued to Kashmir Peace Panel Organizers

The Confederation of Human Rights Organisations has issued a press release detailing threats it has received because of its role in organizing a panel on peace in Kashmir for the upcoming World Social Forum (Bombay).  The panel, titled “Moving Towards Peace in Kashmir,” will feature speakers such as Ved Bhasin, Human Rights Activist and Chairman of “Kashmir Times;” Parvez Imroz, Human Rights Activist, Srinagar, J & K; and Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Anti-Nuclear Activist and Professor of Physics from Pakistan.  The CHRO quoted threats from (now deleted, with some portions of the message remaining):

“A bunch of anti-India activists and some Pakistanis will present a “balanced” viewpoint on Kashmir – not in Pakistan, but in Bombay. Not one person in this list, promotes an Indian perspective, while some in the list are apologists for Pakistani terrorism – yet it will be “balanced”.”  It also demanded: “This conference must be cancelled immediately or Thousands of Shiv sena activists, RSS, VHP members should storm the venue and burn it.  Kick the assess of Organisers…. This is very serious issue. Mobilise the cadres and take stern action against this pro jehadis conference.


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