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India: The Judiciary in a Democracy

January 4, 2004 | Comments Off on India: The Judiciary in a Democracy

The South Asia Citizens Web posted today the report India: The Judiciary in a Democracy, summarizing the proceedings at the annual lecture series of the The Amiya and B.G. Rao Foundation.  This year’s discussion, chaired by Prof. Imtiaz Ahmed, featured noted speakers Om Prakash Sharma, Nandita Haksar, Vahida Nainar, Vrinda Grover and K. John Sundar:

The event was a presentation of legal perspectives on cases such as Ayodhya, Gujarat killings, the attack on December 13, 2001 on the Parliament, the 1984 riots in Delhi and trade union rights in Tamil Nadu. All the speakers stressed the urgent need to closely examine the judicial system and the working of legal institutions in order to prevent the further erosion of democracy at a critical moment in post-Independence India.

Read the full report here.


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