Panel Discussion: 2017 Chayes Fellows on Research-Based Advocacy Abroad

The Chayes International Public Service Fellowships are dedicated to the memory of Professor Abram Chayes, who taught at Harvard Law School for more than 40 years. These summer fellowships provide Harvard Law School students with the opportunity to spend eight weeks engaged in public service with an international scope and/or relevant to countries in development or those making transitions to peace, stability, and democracy.  At this panel discussion, four 2017 Chayes Fellows will discuss their summer work, and you can also learn more about the Fellowship.

Welcome 1Ls!

Now that you’re finding your way around campus, where can International Legal Studies take you?

Please join ILS staff for an introduction to the international opportunities awaiting you at HLS:  study abroad, winter term clinicals and writing projects, summer work abroad, and so much more.

International Opportunities for ILs
Tuesday, September 12
12 noon – 12:50 p.m.
WCC 2009



Meet the 2017 Chayes Fellows

Nineteen Harvard Law School students have been awarded the 2017 Chayes International Public Service Fellowship, dedicated to the memory of Professor Abram Chayes, who taught at Harvard Law School for more than 40 years. These summer fellowships provide HLS students with the opportunity to spend eight weeks engaged in international public service within the governments of developing nations and those making transitions to peace, stability, and democracy, as well as the inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations that support them.

This year’s Fellows will spend this summer in Cambodia, Chile, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Myanmar, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, and the United Kingdom, as well as in New York City. Read brief biographies and descriptions of their summer placements; we’ll bring you updates on their experiences later this summer!

Chayes Fellowship: Deadlines and More Information

A reminder to HLS students planning to apply for a 2014 Chayes International Public Service Fellowshipthe deadline for submitting your application is Saturday, February 1. You must also contact International Legal Studies by Friday, January 31 to schedule a 15-minute interview with a Chayes Program representative.

Interview times are available from  9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 5, Thursday, February 6, and Friday, February 7. Applicants should call International Legal Studies at (617) 384-5284 or send an e-mail to, no later than 5 p.m. on January 31, indicating times when you are available. You will receive a confirmation
e-mail indicating the time and place for your interview and the name of your interviewer.

This past summer, there were 23 Chayes International Public Service Fellows who worked in 18 different countries. Here are some snapshots of their experiences:

Detailed information about the Chayes Program and the application timeline and process is available at: