The application deadline for 2018 Chayes Fellowships is approaching!

ILs, 2Ls and S.J.D.s in residence:  Are you planning to apply for a 2018 Chayes International Public Service Fellowship? These summer fellowships provide Harvard Law School students with the opportunity to spend eight weeks engaged in public service with an international scope and/or relevant to countries in development or those making transitions to peace, stability, and democracy.

The first step – seeking a placement – is now underway. Students should be in contact with prospective placement organizations to discuss the nature of the summer work and try to secure a firm offer of a position.  Explore our list of pre-approved placement organizations (regularly updated); students are also encouraged to contact the Chayes Program (c/o International Legal Studies) about adding new organizations to this roster.

To present their qualifications, students should send a resume and cover letter directly to the organization, unless the organization requests otherwise.  Students are encouraged to apply to a number of organizations and it can take time to secure an appropriate international placement.

The deadline to apply for a Chayes Fellowship is Thursday, February 1. Although it is not necessary to have a confirmed placement before submitting an application, students should have been in contact with possible placement organizations by the time the Chayes Fellowship program holds interviews with applicants on February 6-8, and a strong application will demonstrate a thoughtful, considered and proactive approach to planning a summer project abroad.

And please plan to join us for a coffee hour and info session on Tuesday, January 23, from 3:30 – 5 pm in WCC 5053 (the Graduate Program Lounge).  Meet recent Chayes Fellows, talk with ILS staff, and enjoy coffee, tea and light hors d’oeuvres.

{Photo by 2017 Chayes Fellow Kevin Ratana Patumwat ’19. Read more about his experiences here.}