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Vim Cursor Movement

I love the obscurity and gradualness of vim – I’m still finding really basic new tricks after three years of using it pretty exclusively. I suppose it’s the same with any text editor; this must be why people get religious about them.

I’m constantly searching off to somewhere in a program to check the order variables go in or something. But then, how do I easily get my cursor back exactly where it was before? I now know it’s by hitting “ (backtick backtick). Another useful thing I learned today was *. It’s the opposite of #, which I already knew. And then there’s slash, crtl-r, ctrl-w. Useful stuff. Here’s a forum full of vim geeks showing off their mystical incantations. It’s neat how excited people get:

“that is definitely a life changing tip.”
“Damn, this saves me about 1000 keystrokes a day.”
“This is really great. I feel I’ve entered into a new world of VIm “

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