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May 9, 2004

American Values Unleashed?

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 12:38 pm

dog black  I can’t get out of my mind a story in the news a decade ago, here in Schenectady:  A 14-year-old boy forced a naked schoolmate to crawl on his hands and knees around the neighborhood of their public school, on a leash.  At the time, I was horrified, and thought “Where could he have learned something so degrading?  And, how could someone so young be so cruel?”  A very kindly older lawyer, who served as the boy’s law guardian in Family Court, later told me what a nice teen he appeared to be.

I’m tempted to say the young man might have a good future in army intelligence.  However, he’s currently serving time for a murder he committed a few years ago, after his release from a junvenile detention facility.  When he was arrested for the murder, his outraged mother was interviewed on television.  She looked the camera in the eye and righteously claimed, “He’s a good boy.  He’s never been in trouble with the law before.”

  • I don’t know where I’m going with this, or what conclusions to draw, but I felt a need to share my troubled thoughts.

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