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May 5, 2004

The Lawyer Robbed the Right Client

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 5:51 pm

The moral of lawyer Rupert Hall Jr.’s disciplinary story is clear: If you’re going to steal from a client, pick a church with a forgiving pastor.   As the New Jersey Law Journal reports, Rev. J. Evans Dodds, who wrote the $3500 check for a bogus fee to Hall, “concluded his testimony to the special master with a sermon about guilt and redemption.”  (New York Lawyer, Minister He Ripped Off Saves Solo from Disbarment, 05-05-04)  The article, which notes that the tale began when Hall wrote another client a trust account check that bounced, states:

The minister concluded by asking for “leniency in dealing with a man whom I believe may have made some foolish mistakes.” The spirit apparently was contagious.

fr ventalone  Prof. Yabut, who is as personally forgiving as the next curmudgeon, dislikes hearing intentional, serious ethics violations (or felonies) called “mistakes.”  Despite its supposedly mandatory disbarment penalty for misappropriation, however, the Disciplinary Review Board gave Hall an indeterminate suspension, and he can seek reinstatement in five years.   Yeah, but, how is the Board going to apply the rule the next time the issue arises?  Defense counsel, get out your Bibles (New Testament sentiments preferred)!

  • Memo to Churches in New Jersey: Choose your lawyers wisely. And, look over those bills closely before your attorney a check.

  • Memo to Larcenous Lawyers:  Try to avoid the fire-and-brimstone clients.


  1. To your opinion on this case, I say: Amen.

    Comment by UCL — May 6, 2004 @ 12:04 pm

  2. To your opinion on this case, I say: Amen.

    Comment by UCL — May 6, 2004 @ 12:04 pm

  3. It’s nice being in the same pew (singing from the same hymnal), UCL!

    Comment by David Giacalone — May 6, 2004 @ 12:28 pm

  4. It’s nice being in the same pew (singing from the same hymnal), UCL!

    Comment by David Giacalone — May 6, 2004 @ 12:28 pm

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