eyeData – In the Trenches

What We Did

This week, we continued to work on the actual coding. Unfortunately, due to some tight schedules and external factors, we weren’t able to meet. We also have some design considerations to resolve before we can continue to move forward with the coding, described below.

What Went Well

Despite not being able to meet, what did go well was our communication outside of the meeting. Batsheva, Luis, and I continued our dialogue on language and technology choice. As this project will require a lot of collaboration between each of our three parts, it’s reassuring to know that progress can and will be made outside the meeting.

What Was Challenging

The main challenge this week was deciding whether to continue to use the d3.js library or shift to Vincent, a Python library built on top of d3.js. Since we are using Pandas, a Python library for data processing, it makes intuitive sense to use Vincent, but it is another package to learn, which takes a nontrivial amount of time to familiarize with.

What’s Up Next

We continue to make progress with the code! By next week, we hope to be able to select a variable from a dataset and create univariate graphs for that variable. We also should move to using the Dataverse API to grab datasets and continue polishing the UI.


Until next week,
