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The poor baby…

They came yesterday to start putting our new roof on. I’m told they made lots and lots and lots of noise. Needless to say, Shadow was nowhere to be found the entire time the roofers were there. Soon after they left and he decided it was safe to come out, he immediately ran downstairs and proceeded to… puke.

The poor baby!!!!!!

Published in:Uncategorized |on April 14th, 2009 |3 Comments »

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3 Responses to “The poor baby…”

  1. daisy Says:

    Our cat, Spike (great name for a CHICKEN), does the exact same thing.

  2. Andy Says:

    Very helpful information. Thanks for this.

    Following you on Twitter !

    Andy from Baby Convertible Car Seats .

  3. Andy Says:

    Very helpful information. Thanks for this.

    Following you on Twitter !

    Andy from Squidoo Lens Creation Service .