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Red fox and poison ivy

Those are the two latest things I’ve found in our yard.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the yard for all of 10 minutes. Brian was raking and I had some ornamental grass that I wanted to trim down. I did that and helped bag what had been raked up. I thought I had scratched my arms but in a couple of days realized that it was poison ivy. I’ve never had poison ivy before. I do not want poison ivy again.

While having lunch, I caught something moving in the backyard. It was a red fox. A baby red fox. Soooo cute! The lady next store came over and told us that the fox was running crazy between our yards and would then lie down as though it was sick but would get back up and run again. She was concerned it was rabid and me, not knowing what the heck a red fox does, went along with it. I put a call into animal control as I found it lying beside our shed as if it had died. Not long afterward, he was sitting there all perked up and a few minutes later was back to running through the woods again. The animal control officer did call me back (even though I left another message saying he’d gone back off into the woods) and told me that the pups are usually born between January and March and that it would not be uncommon for one to lay out in the grass and take a nap as they are extremely playful! I was so relieved because the excitement from when I’d seen him earlier to thinking that he might be sick really had me disappointed.

So, now I’ve seen deer, ducks and a red fox. I’ve been told that we also have a blue heron that comes to visit. That and the ducks apparently like the fish pond in our neighbors yard!

Have I mentioned that I really like this place?!?!?!?!

Published in:Uncategorized |on May 3rd, 2008 |2 Comments »

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2 Responses to “Red fox and poison ivy”

  1. Angie Says:

    You would be upset with me but I would have troubles with the fox. They eat chickens, ducks, and geese and the eggs.
    Have you checked the duck nest lately? It would be very kind of you to go buy a few pounds of gamebird feed crumbles
    and put it out for the pair. Ducks tend to need more niacin than other fowl and this wouldbe good for a female
    that has been sitting on a nest for the better part of 30+ days.

  2. Tom Leason Says:

    If you go to a clinic or doctor, there is that cost, too. Add to that that we have, over the last 15 years, added huge amounts of sugars to our food as fillers and as fat replacements to add flavor.