Helpful guide for parents — dental edition

Our dentist sends us a useless newsletter every so often (quarterly?) with gems like this, a set of code words to deceive your children, so in addition to being traumatized by a painful dental procedure they will also not trust you because you lied to them and they will always wonder who the hell Mr. Bumpy was.

It would be funnier if it wasn’t so creepy.

Don’t say…
Say instead…
needle or shot sleepy juice
drill Mr. Whistle (or Mr. Bumpy)
drill on tooth clean the sugar bugs
pull tooth wiggle the tooth
cavity sugar bugs
suction Mr. Slurpee (or Mr. Thirsty)
exam count the teeth
teeth cleaning tickle the teeth
explorer teeth counter

One thought on “Helpful guide for parents — dental edition

  1. If parents have fears of the dentist, it is important that they do not convey this to their children, otherwise they will grow up with dental phobia as well.

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