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still alive


Hey there, I am here, doing science, and I am still alive. Its been a little hard thinking of something to write about when I’ve spent the last week and some mainly reading and figuring (things out). Now that I’ve begun coding I hope I’ll have something more to write about.

Since last we met I’ve done a few things:

I’ve read The RSpec Book and it has made me a believer. I used to be a solid shoulda guy but seeing as RSpec almost all of the macros/matchers that shoulda has I see no reason not to switch. RSpec also seems to have a little larger set of tools to support it, and the verbosity of failing tests is just right.

On the “figuring” front I spent a decent amount of time writing up what we call “The Plan” – a light read detailing features, design and timeline of the project. The Wiki we use is behind authentication, so I snapped a shot of the wiki page and you can find it here.

If you are familiar with GSoC you might know that this weekend marked the start of the coding period. I started developing a standalone rails app today to build the acts_as_freetaggable plugin. As detailed in the plan I’ll be developing a small standalone rails application, writing tests for functionality we need, then coding it into the standalone app. Once I’ve gotten things working on the smaller scale I’ll pull acts_as_freetaggable into its own plugin, test that, then integrate it into Cohort CRM.

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