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Rhapsody Downloads Pricing Quirks

Last week,
I pointed out that Rhapsody 3.0 introduced what amounts to a price hike
and a price drop for purchasing individual tracks and albums.  At
least for the time being, there is a way for Rhapsody users to have
their cake and eat it, too.  Because many users were dissatisfied
with the 3.0 beta, Real posted a link
to downloads for those who’d rather run v2.1.  I now have both a
copy of Rhapsody 3.0 and 2.1 installed on my system and, apparently, I
can choose to purchase tracks through either one. So when buying single
tracks, I can still get the 79 cent rate through 2.1, but when buying
album with more than 11 tracks, I can pay the $8.99 per album rate
through 3.0.  Of course, this does not apply for songs only available through the Real Music Store.

(Note: I only investigated this because I had to downgrade my desktop computer
to 2.1.  Using Rhapsody 3.0,  I cannot
browse the Web without the streams popping and clicking. 
Apparently many others are having the same problem.  Hurray for RealNetworks software.)

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