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Sony Music-Tech Makes Me Wanna Retch

Joe Gratz gives a nice update on Sony’s stupidity, including its new Sony Connect music service and iPod-like device.  Apparently, Sony’s hard drive player cannot play MP3s, WMA and (of course) Apple FairPlay-locked AAC.  It only plays Sony’s proprietary ATRAC3 format; if it’s like Sony’s MiniDisc players, forcing consumers to convert to ATRAC3 also forces them to accept certain DRM restrictions. In related news, the Washington Post and New York Times both deemed Connect embarassing, noting its poor interface, proprietary DRM format and codec, copying restrictions … too many to count.  I’ve been over this before (see earlier rant on Sony Connect) in some detail.  How could Sony not have learned from the numerous music services that have come before it?

6 Responses to “Sony Music-Tech Makes Me Wanna Retch”

  1. joe
    May 11th, 2004 | 3:18 am

    I hear you… I recently spent about 5 hours trying to get audio of an interview off of a MiniDisc… it’s amazing Sony makes any money off of its stuff at all.

  2. mf
    May 11th, 2004 | 9:32 am

    NOT to mention Sony’s digital video format for microDV recording (.MMV) which is a pointless proprietary version of MPEG-2 that the majority of video editing programs don’t recognize….

  3. Brad Hill
    May 11th, 2004 | 1:09 pm

    A more in-depth rant here–
    “Sony Gets Stupider”

  4. Adam
    May 11th, 2004 | 3:45 pm

    It’s worse than that. I wrote about this in >February 2000<, when I first picked up a Sony Music Clip. Note the similarities.

  5. Adam
    May 11th, 2004 | 5:03 pm

    It’s worse than that. I wrote about this in >February 2000<, when I first picked up a Sony Music Clip. Note the similarities.

  6. Chris Baker
    May 12th, 2004 | 10:09 am

    yeah… my Grandmother got one of these things for my Son last Christmas. After a few hours of hairpulling we just returned it, no questions asked.

    What really bugged me was that the packaging labeled it as an mp3 player. The interface is so aweful that it takes you a while to figure out just how bad it sucks.