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Testing Scenarios

Testing Scenarios¶

Admin Functions¶


* Create new libraries
* Edit and delete existing libraries
* View all subject areas for a library (on library main page)


* Create new library floors
* Edit, delete and reorder existing library floors

Subject Areas:

* Create new subject areas
* Edit and delete existing subject areas

Call Numbers:

* Create new call numbers
* Edit and delete existing call numbers
* A call number can be associated with a subject area not is not required

Reservable Asset Types:

* Create new reservable asset types
* Edit and delete existing reservable asset types
* Can have specific user types associated with it but not required


* Create new reservable assets
o If the min/max reservation time, max concurrent users and reservation time increment are not entered for an asset, the fields from the asset type are inherited
* Edit and delete existing reservable assets
* Admins can view existing reservations by asset
* Admins can batch upload assets by importing a CSV file


* Can create a reservation for a user
* Can edit and delete existing reservations
* Asset drop-down will be pre-populated if reservation form was reached going through the asset page (alternative to using the top navigation)
* Can mark reservations as approved
* A seat is considered unavailable if there is a reservation whose end date is greater than today
* A reservation only claims a seat if it has been approved

User Types:

* Create new user types
* Edit and delete existing user types


* View all users and update user type and admin flag


* Users
* Libraries
* Floors
* Subject Areas
* Call Numbers
* Reservable Assets

User Functions¶

* Can create their own accounts
* Can view library information, floors within library and subject areas within library
* Can view assets, subject areas, and call numbers within a floor
* Can reserve an asset if there are seats available and the user has not already reserved that asset
* Reservation dates chosen must be greater than the min reservation time and less than the max reservation time (in days)
* Reservation end date will automatically be set to the last day of the month of the chosen end date
* Can edit and delete their reservations
* A user is considered a “current user” on the asset if their reservation end date is greater than today
* Can only view the bulletin board if their reservation has been approved
* Can post to their approved asset’s bulletin board

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