Harvard Law’s Jonathan Zittrain Defends Libraries — Yes, Even The BPL | WGBH News, 17 June 2015

What is the role of the library in the information age — is it a repository for the great art, a building with free web access, or — as was the initial intention — a place for learning and research? Can it adapt to changing times while staying true to its original mission? Jonathan Zittrain is the director of the Harvard Law School Library, and the author of “Why Libraries (Still) Matter.”  “Libraries are often the places of last resort to find that thing that nobody bothered to hang onto, but that they later regret losing,” Zittrain said Tuesday on Boston Public Radio. “That’s kind of the Norway seed bank — that after the apocalypse we can reboot everything courtesy of a handful of the libraries of last-resort, of which the Boston Public Library is also thought of [as] one.”

Source: Harvard Law’s Jonathan Zittrain Defends Libraries — Yes, Even The BPL | WGBH News