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My daughter is morphing and I don’t like it.

Until recently, I had her figured out, pigeon holed. We had our routine: snacks, reading, the video, playing with stuffed animals, dinner, fun in the bathtub, more stories, and then to bed.

But recently she has started to change. Her little mind is developping. She’s turning into more of her own person. She wants a say in scheduling the day’s activities. She exercises veto power in choices of babysitters.  I find myself deep in negotiations with her on what she gets served for dinner. And she makes compelling arguments for a later bedtime.

I’m not sure I like it. I had her pegged at 5 years old. I had her down pat. And now she’s a whole new person; its like starting all over again.

I really liked her the way she was. Why is she rocking the boat?

Oh I know, I know. This is just the beginning. She’s going to turn into several more different (and probably interesting) people before she finally settles into adulthood. But oh my, it is exhausting.  I had no idea. Its hard to keep up with her.


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