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March 7, 2012

Mosaic of Diversity

Filed under: Uncategorized — ahota @ 6:29 pm


This was one of the most interesting pieces that I have created so far. After reading Daftary’s work for Week 5, I was inspired to create a piece that encompassed the diversity among the various Islamic communities but also indicated the main underlying Islamic tenants that united the people within these different communities. A common theme in these readings and also in lecture is the notion that to maintain a sense of community there is a unity in practice; however, there are differences in the interpretation of the doctrines that give rise to various subcategories of the Islamic culture. Conducting rituals is one way to identity with the larger Islamic community because it sets one apart from one who is not Muslim. I have selected the main image to be Muslims circumambulating around the Kabba. The hajj is a concept that is embedded in the different Islamic countries across the world and symbolizes the unity of the communities. Most of my smaller images consist of various mosques aross the world, calligraphic art, and practicing Muslims across the world. Mosques highlight the influence of regional cultures on the Islamic religion because many artistic elements and physical characteristics are varied. However, each of these mosques consists of the qibla wall, which directs all to the direction of the Kabba in mecca, and the minbar. Secondly, I incorporated images of practicing Muslims who were in prostrated positions in different mosques. Although they are all in a different time and place it is their ritual of praying that unifies them across the communities. I think that ultimate message in this photo mosaic is to indicate that the various communities can fit together like pieces of a puzzle to unify them all.

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