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Why host my blog at Harvard?


To advance one’s causes in life, it is critical to present yourself with a balance of authenticity as well as pure bullshit. Okay, maybe not pure bullshit, but a healthy amount of positioning in order to gain the esteem, or power, of those individuals, or groups, that stand in the way of you and your successful execution of the causes you are driving.

So now that I have a blog that includes, “Harvard” and “law” in the URL, I may appear to some readers as smarter than I actually am (this may work until they see that the quality of my writing is that of a monkey with a charcoal briquette.). A blog hosted at Harvard may grant me a small competitive advantage over those “average” bloggers using tools like Twitter… Talk about a weak signal to noise ratio.

Acquiring this blog space was quite simple. All that that was required was a valid Harvard email address. While I was living in Boston, I seized the opportunity to argue about religion by taking some interesting classes at the Harvard extension school. I did not have the grades to get in, but fortunately my last name is, “Jackson”. For those that don’t have the pedigree I do, all that is needed to take classes is to demonstrate a proficiency with the use of a briquette.

So this will be my soapbox. Join me as I share my bullshit.

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