eBay architecture

This presentation (.pdf), subtitled “Striking a balance between site stability, feature velocity, performance, and cost” is an interesting view into the architectural design of a massively large Internet service. The authors, Randy Shoup and Dan Pritchett, describe scale out (horizontal scaling), not up, in all tiers. They release 100,000 lines of code per week, which I find hard to believe. They’ve rewritten the entire app in Java (J2EE) but its a highly customized environment using mostly servelets.

The 60 Minute Network Security Guide

From the US NSA spy agency, a useful set of computer security recommendations (.pdf), subtitled “First Steps Towards a Secure Network Environment.” Besides general policies(e.g., least privilege, password rules), the guide includes a discussion of operating system-specific security recommendations, including Windows and Unix (–>Linux) and packages (e.g., Sendmail and Apache). And it comes with a free poison-tipped umbrella!